Frequently Asked Questions


Will I be allowed to bring guests through the College?

As members of the University, members of the Society will usually be allowed to bring two guests.

How do I get to the Deighton Room?

Access is via the member’s card, that will give access through the blue door on 12 Trinity Street, on the corner with Green Street. The Deighton Room is on the first floor, on the left. See The Deighton Room for details.

How do I gain access to Trinity College Gym and Sports Grounds?

The College Gym and Sports Grounds, including squash, badminton, and tennis courts, are located in Old Field, on Grange Road. For full details concerning registration and usage, see Sports Facilities and Gym

How do I hire a punt from college? Where is the punt shed? How much does it cost to hire a punt?

Members of the Trinity College Postdoctoral Society have the privilege of being able to rent punts from Trinity College. Society members are expected to read and adhere to the guidelines on the College Punting website:

What are the Postdoc Society-specific guidelines for punting I need to be aware of?

  • Society members pay a discounted rate of £6 per hour for punt hire. This cost is ONLY applicable if the Society member is sitting on the punt for the entire rent period. To benefit from the discounted society rate, members must present their Trinity College Postdoctoral Society card and a form of photo ID (eg your University card).
  • Society members may take up to 5 guests on a punt. There is a strict limit of 6 people per punt (including the person punting) for safety reasons. This limit must not be exceeded at any time. 
  • The Society member who has hired the punt must remain on the boat with their guests at ALL times. It is not possible for members to hire punts on behalf of other people. 

Please note: Any society member who does not abide by the rules and/or does not exhibit reasonable and safe behaviour in relation to the punts may have their punt hire privileges revoked by the College.

Can I park my bicycle at Trinity?

You are welcome to use the parking spaces for bicycles at the front and back of Trinity. However, there is an periodic cull of disused bicycles, usually some time in Michaelmas, of which you will be notified by email. During this time it is not advisable to leave your bike in College.

What College facilities are NOT available to me?

  • Booking of Guest Rooms
  • College accommodation
  • Computing support
  • Governing Body membership
  • High Table rights and use of the Fellows’ Parlour
  • Parking on College premises

Events and Dining

How do I pay for meals in College?

For our regular formal dinners, payment is managed through signing up via UPayChilli. For items at the bar or cafeteria, pay at the till with your postdoc card, which will be linked to your UPayChilli account; click here for full instructions on using UPayChilli.

When are the Servery and Bar open?

See Membership for details.

How do I book for dinner? What about my dietary requirements?

Booking for dinner is managed through your account on UPayChilli, where you can also look at menus and register dietary requirements. You will have received an email invitation to create an account on UPayChilli when you were accepted as a member of the Society; click here for full instructions on using UPayChilli.

Will wine be permitted/provided? Can I bring my own bottle?

The cost of dinner does include wine.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can bring the same guest to dinner?

Not at all.

Is there a requirement that I come along to events and dinners organised by the society, or can I just use College’s facilities?

There is no requirement to attend events or dinners, but members are strongly encouraged to make the most of the opportunities provided by the Society.

Status and Academics

Can I represent my membership of this society on my CV in any way?

You can write on your CV that you are a ‘Member of the Postdoctoral Society of Trinity College’, or ‘Postdoctoral Affiliate of Trinity College’.

How often should I expect to have contact with my nominating fellow? Does this fellow have formal responsibility for my welfare and intellectual development in either the Society, the University, or both?

Nominating Fellows act as a familiar face for those new to Cambridge or the College. The Society does not place any formal responsibility upon them, although of course your nominating Fellow may be involved in your career in their own right.

Will the Society offer a forum for me to present my work to other postdocs in a cross-disciplinary context?

The Society runs talks and lectures that may involve presentations from members, or pair a member with a visiting speaker. Let the Events Officers know if you would like to give a talk, and the Committee will be in touch when such opportunities arise. In the meantime, a chat over coffee in the Deighton Room is the best forum of all.


For administrative questions, please contact [email protected].

Can my payment be renewed by Direct Debit?

No. Renewal notices will be sent out annually towards the end of the year, containing a link through which you will pay online.

Help! I have lost my membership card!

Please notify [email protected] as soon as possible.