Research Flash Talks
November 1 at 19:00 - 21:00 GMT
A new Society event, the Research Flash Talks will be an evening featuring flash talks about Society member’s research. Snacks and drink will be provided.
Date: November 1 2024
Time: Evening after work, exact details TBC
Sign up details:
All Society members are warmly invited to sign-up to give a 3-minute “flash talk” about their research.
Creativity and out-of-the-box approaches to explaining your research are encouraged.
Food and drinks will be provided.
- Please sign up by September 30 (sign up sheet has been emailed out).
In addition to the Calendar of Events listed above, the Society hosts the following weekly events:
Weekly tennis
Every Sunday from 4-6 pm, weather permitting, on the Trinity Old Field Tennis courts. Email ad2278@ to join.
The Chaplains of Trinity College also organise the following weekly events:
Chapel Evensong
Every Sunday night from 6.15 pm. 45-minute long service. Then 6.15 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
Every Wednesday starting 9pm.
Choral Eucharist
11.15am every Sunday, with FREE brunch tickets!