New Members College Tour (only new members)
March 8 at 14:00 - 15:00 GMT
College Tour – Additional Date
Saturday 8th March at 2pm – meet at the Great Gate by the Porter’s Lodge on Trinity Street
Organised by Ermanno Miele and hosted by Mousumi Shyam
The tour has space for 20 people. It will cover key places in college and points of interest. This will be the last tour for new members this year.
Please sign up on the spreadsheet linked below:
In addition to the Calendar of Events listed above, the Society hosts the following weekly events:
Weekly tennis
Every Sunday from 2-4 pm, weather permitting, on the Trinity Old Field Tennis courts. Email ad2278@ to join.
The Chaplains of Trinity College also organise the following weekly events:
Choral Evensong
Every Sunday night from 6.15 pm, 45-minute long service; then again at 6.15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drinks after the service on Sunday evening.
Every Wednesday starting 8:45pm.
Choral Eucharist
11.15am every Sunday