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Inclusive Teaching & Learning Group

May 16 at 12:15 - 13:15 BST

Thursday 16 May, 12.15-1.15pm, Redman Room: Meena Kotecha on understanding and reducing maths anxiety

Meena Kotecha from LSE’s Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science will be talking to us about understanding maths anxiety among university students, and how we might reduce it. This session should be particularly useful for anyone who teaches a course with a quantitative element, but should be of interest to anyone who wants ideas about how to help students struggling with confidence in any area of their study.


May 16
12:15 - 13:15 BST


Redman Room
Trinity College
Cambridge, CB2 1TQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map

In addition to the Calendar of Events listed above, the Society hosts the following weekly events:

Weekly tennis

Every Sunday from 4-6 pm, weather permitting, on the Trinity Old Field Tennis courts. Email ad2278@ to join.


The Chaplains of Trinity College also organise the following weekly events:

Chapel Evensong 

Every Sunday night from 6.15 pm. 45-minute long service. Then 6.15 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.


Every Wednesday starting 9pm.

Choral Eucharist 

11.15am every Sunday, with FREE brunch tickets!