- This event has passed.
July Formal Hall
July 24, 2024 at 18:45 - 21:00 BST
Reception location: Wren cloisters
Reception time: 1845
Dinner location: Hall
Dinner time: 1930
For further questions, please read the formal hall guide here https://postdocsoc.trin.cam.ac.uk/formal-halls/ or get in touch. This event will be updated closer to the event date.
In addition to the Calendar of Events listed above, the Society hosts the following weekly events:
Weekly tennis
Every Sunday from 2-4 pm, weather permitting, on the Trinity Old Field Tennis courts. Email ad2278@ to join.
The Chaplains of Trinity College also organise the following weekly events:
Choral Evensong
Every Sunday night from 6.15 pm, 45-minute long service; then again at 6.15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drinks after the service on Sunday evening.
Every Wednesday starting 8:45pm.
Choral Eucharist
11.15am every Sunday